凡亞藝術空間參展2022 ART SOLO展位D13 ,推出澳洲藝術家JOI MURUGAVELL ,在台灣首次個展!最新創作首次亮相!

JOI MURUGAVELL個展以「Respirar喘口氣」為發想,本次首度亮相的其中一件作品Studio Notes (stuck in a stubborn sandwich)以其為創作,JOI原文說:[雪梨疫情封鎖的期間,在繪畫時的我聽了很多 Elmo的歌,其中有句歌詞這樣唱著Take a breath ,You’ve got to take a breath before you try to blow a bubble,And if you stop your breathing you’ve got big big trouble!

當我在創作時,受到這首歌很多的啟發,因為找到了懂得呼吸方式,在作畫過程中跟著這歌起舞,完成了一系列充滿期待又有樂趣的作品。因此特別選用「Respirar 喘口氣」作為此次展覽的主題。



Fun Year Art Gallery presentig 2022 Art Solo D13, exhibiting Australian artist Joi Murugavell, her first solo exhibition in Taiwan!

The theme of Joi Murugavell’s solo exhibition is “Respirar”. One of the works that debuted this time, Studio Notes (stuck in a stubborn sandwich), was created during Sydney’s lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak in 2021. Joi records during her painting, she get through by listening to a lot of Elmo’s songs from Sesame Street.

“When I was painting, I was inspired a lot by the lyric of this song (Respirar). My friend and I danced to the song and it helped a lot. Afterward, I thought Respirar is a good idea for a exhibition theme. The song goes like this: Take a breath,You’ve got to take a breath before you try to blow a bubble,And if you stop your breathing you’ve got big big trouble!”

Not limited by the general art form, the use of acrylic, oil sticks, crayons, spray paint, charcoal, collage and other mix media on the canvas, where interesting characters (collectively referred to as Ooglies) are born from the combination of overlapping lines in the canvas, which allows viewers to participate in Joi’s humorous and interesting life episodes, and experiencing a uniquely “Joiful” experience.


凡亞藝術空間 展位 D 1 3 

貴賓預展 Vip Preview
4.14 ( Thu ) 12:00 – 21:00

公眾展期 Public view
4.15 ( Fri ) 11:00 – 19:00
4.16(六)11:00 – 19:00
4.17(日)11:00 – 16:00

展覽地點 Venue
台北花博爭艷館 ( 台北市中山區玉門街一號 )
EXPO Dome, Taipei Expo Park( No. 1, Yumen Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City )