Spring Art Show 2023.06.16-07.23

春藝盎然 Spring Art Show_藝術家聯展

談起春天象徵著新的起點一切成長、變化和轉變的到來,新秀在當代意味著何種層面之真實意義,是改變?或者創造?而當代青年在面對真實世界所擁有的共同特質是什麼?我們期待能在這些藝術家的作品中找到這世代的共同語彙。凡亞藝術空間-展覽館將舉辦《 Spring Art Show 》聯展,集結 10 位海內外新秀藝術家共同參與展出,每位藝術家各自作品的詮釋像是探索自我思考新的開始又或是結束?運用各式媒材,他們的色彩、形體、結構與重組,找尋平衡自己面對社會或人生未來的議題。探討創作背後的思考與未來,每個意境都是內心的投射;而每一個轉角都是新的開始。一切皆有可能。


Spring symbolizes a new starting point and the arrival of growth, changes and transformations, but what does the new emerging art look like in contemporary times? And what are the common characteristics that contemporary art have in the real world ? We look forward to finding the common vocabulary of this generation in the works of these artists.

Fun Year Art Gallery is delighted to hold the “Spring Art Show” group exhibition, which will gather 10 emerging artists from domestic and abroad to participate in the exhibition.
The interpretation of each artist’s work is like exploring a new beginning or end of concept? Their media, color, shape, structure are evidents when they seek balance and reorganize themselve in society and facing issues of life. Explore the thinking behind the creations, every artistic conception is a projection of the mind; and every corner is a new beginning, where everything is possible.

Spring Art Show will continue to search for more art that cross the boundaries in media and topics, displaying various rich and deep cultures. We sincerely invite you to come and explore the new art together.

藝術家 | Artists

許淯雯   XU, YU-WEN
劉珂旺   L.K.W
游俊豪   ZOMAS
沈信佑   SHEN Xin-You
Jesse Hickey


展覽資訊 | Info

開幕日期 : 2023.06.18(Sun.) 下午 3:00
展覽期間 : 2023.06.16 (Fri.) – 2023.07.23 (Sun.)
開放時間 : 週二~週五(13:00-18:00) / 週六、週日(10:30-18:00)
展覽地點 :凡亞藝術空間-展覽館(台中市西屯區河南路二段301巷16號B1)

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