春藝盎然: 天堂鳥 2024.06.14-2024.07.13

春藝盎然 : 天堂鳥

凡亞藝術空間每年春季舉辦「春藝盎然」公開徵件的展覽,致力於推動藝術新秀和藝術多樣性的發展。該展覽歡迎來自不同國籍、不限年齡和形式的藝術家參與,鼓勵他們展示自己獨特的藝術。這個展覽為藝術新秀提供展示和交流的機會,促進藝術形式的多樣性和文化的融合。通過這樣的公開展覽,更多不同的視角得以被發現和欣賞,為藝術界帶來新鮮和多樣的靈感。第2屆春藝盎然藝術新秀聯展獲選藝術家名單為:周鳳翔、施姵如、紀少淵、許淯雯、陳怡安、黃上育、黃敏哲、楊佳蓉、蔡宇貞、蔡豪毅 (按姓名筆畫排序)。

春天的到來標誌著一個成長、變化和轉變的時期。當鮮花盛開,大自然展現出一種呼吸般的色彩和活力。 就像即將綻放的花朵一樣,藝術新秀發現自己正處於創造之旅的前夜,充滿了原始的才華和未開發的潛力。花朵常常伴隨著特殊的場合,承載著深刻的情感和祝福,而今年春藝盎然以花朵「天堂鳥」作為主題,呈現一群打破界限通往自由邊疆、並勇敢展現鮮明自我的藝術新秀


展覽資訊 | Info

開幕日期 : 2024.06.15(Sat.) 下午 3:00 PM
展覽期間 : 2024.06.14 (Fri.) – 2024.07.13 (Sat.)
開放時間 : 週二~週六(10:30-18:00)
展覽地點 :凡亞藝術空間-展覽館(台中市西屯區河南路二段301巷16號B1)


Spring Art Show : Birds of Paradise

The “Spring Art Show”, held annually in spring by Fun Year Art Gallery, is an open-call exhibition dedicated to promoting emerging artists and the development of artistic diversity. This exhibition welcomes artists of all nationalities, ages, and mediums, encouraging them to showcase their unique art. It provides emerging artists with opportunities to reach more audiences, fostering diversity in art forms and cultural integration. Through this open-call exhibition, more diverse perspectives are discovered and appreciated, bringing fresh and varied inspiration to the art world. The selected artists for the 2nd Spring Art Art Show are: Arthur Zhou, Shih Pei-Ju, Ji Shao-Yuan, Xu Yu-Wen, Chen Yi-An, Huang Shang-Yu, Huang Ming-Che, Yang Jia-Rong, Tsai Yu-Chen, and Tsai Hao-Yi.

The arrival of spring marks a time of growth, change, and transformation. As flowers bloom, nature exhibits a breath of color and vitality. Like the soon-to-bloom flowers, emerging artists find themselves on the eve of a creative journey, full of raw talent and untapped potential. Flowers often accompany special occasions, carrying profound emotions and blessings. This year, “Spring Art Blossoms” takes the flower “Birds of Paradise” as its theme, presenting a group of emerging artists who break boundaries, venture into the frontier of freedom, and boldly showcase their distinctive selves.

This exhibition presents the unique observations and insights into the world of these emerging artists, allowing the audience to experience the world through their eyes. Each piece is a testament to their keen perception and introspection, reflecting the subtle differences and complexities of their surrounding environment. From the ordinary to the extraordinary, their works encompass the accumulation of personal experiences. Through diverse media and styles, these artists invite the audience to pause and reflect on the various aspects of life, bringing us new insights and perspectives on the world.

“Spring Art Show: Birds of Paradise” will be held from June 14, 2024 (Fri.) to July 13, 2024 (Sat.), with an opening reception on June 15, 2024 (Sat.) at 3:00 PM. We sincerely invite everyone to come and visit.

展覽現場 Installation Shots

藝術家 | Artists

周鳳翔  Arthur Zhou

施姵如  Shih Pei-Ju

紀少淵  Ji Shao-Yuan

許淯雯  Xu Yu-Wen

陳怡安  Chen Yi-An

黃上育  Huang Sang-Yu

黃敏哲  Huang Ming-Che

楊佳蓉  Yang Jia-Rong

蔡宇貞  Tsai Yu-Chen

蔡豪毅  Tsai Hao-Yi

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