Between Smoke and Dust 2024.11.14-2024.12.28








You are dust, and to dust you shall return. In the meantime, smoking doesn’t seem like such a bad option.

In this group of works, several concepts and forms that I have been developing over the past two years converge. With religious iconography, more or less apocryphal, as a backdrop and sometimes also as a surface, a narrative unfolds that, while using religion as a guiding thread, seeks to dismantle dogmatism and the moral structure as something external to the human (the idea of a creator God) through mixing, symbiosis, cultural colonization, and the distortion characteristic of our time. Paradoxically, this results in the creation of a sort of recurring characters in the work, thereby supporting the idea of a human fully conditioned by their culture—a culture from which it is impossible to emancipate oneself, as the very act of escape would be a product of the cultural framework itself.

With this accepted anthropological play, all that remains is to utilize the ways of shaping symbols (on a semiotic level) to create an imagery that speaks of the contemporary. Through this almost organic process and a series of pictorial languages that are sometimes more plastic and at other times more illustrative, I have tried to address, ultimately, the issues that concern me. I believe in art that is committed to the contemporary and does not lose sight of its playful character; art that functions as a philosophical tool but also entertains, without the need to fall into proselytism—a sort of haiku or brief poetry.

I like to imagine that if someone were to see one of these pieces in a thousand years, they would be faced with complete misinformation, in the sense that it is not a journalistic chronicle; on the contrary, it is a visceral scream that speaks of structure, mixing, and the total misunderstanding of life and the sociocultural constructs that we have accepted solely to fill the void that leaves us meaning nothing more than a speck of dust.


展覽資訊 | Info

展覽期間 : 2024.11.01 (Fri.) – 2024.11.28 (Sat.)
開放時間 : 週二~週六(10:30-18:00)
展覽地點 :凡亞藝術空間-展覽館(台中市西屯區河南路二段301巷16號B1)

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